Saturday, October 19, 2013

Did you Know Human Trafficking is a Big Issue?

What is Human Trafficking?
Human Trafficking is defined by the international Association of Human Trafficking Investigators as: the exploitation by force, fraud, or coercion of vulnerable people for forced labor, domestic servitude or commercial sex. This explains human trafficking as the modern slavery.
This problem is an uprising problem in the Houston community which involves mainly women and children. Trafficking victims in Houston can be divided into three categories:
  1. Minors induced into commercial sex activity, mostly the feminine gender.
  2. Adults involved in commercial sex activities with the use of force or fraud.
  3. Children and adults forced to perform services against their wish.

Why is Human Trafficking a problem?
Human trafficking is a problem for reasons like the decrease in social development; in cases whereby young children are being drawn into involuntary servitude it hinders the educational development and potential productivity of its victims. Due to the trauma of their experiences of exploitation these victims are being excluded from the society.
Another problem is that it puts additional pressure on border security; the fact that about a million and more people are being brought into the country through human trafficking could increase crime rates as well as hinder the well being of individuals of the community. In such cases the government would want to cut other funds the community is getting to protect its border which would make life harder for most of the people in the community.

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